Saturday, February 10, 2007

Captain Marvel

Since I read Jeff Smith's take on Captain Marvel (very good, btw), I've been thinking about how Alan Moore has corrupted the character for me. Here is a list of moments on his Miracleman runs that just completely mind-blowing:
  1. Michael Moran relearns his magic word in the middle of a terrorist raid on an atomic research center.
  2. Miracleman's power are scientifically explained; the body-swapping technology is also addressed.
  3. Child birth in a comic book???
  4. Miracleman kills his maker, Dr. Gargunza; his origin is retold in a way that isn't just an orphan gains magical powers, but an orphan is kidnapped for a military research project with alien technology.
  5. Miracleman kills Kid Miracleman.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Gaiman's Eternals

Picked up #6 of 7 of Gaiman's run on the Eternals... Now I'm not a Marvel Zombie; I'm a hard-core DC fan. I've been reading Lee and Kirby's run on the Fantastic Four in trade and I'm enjoying it. I know a little about the Marvel-verse, but I'm not familiar with Kirby's Eternals run. You would think before Gaiman did his run on the Eternals, that Marvel would release Kirby's run in a trade-paper back format. And when I started Gaiman's run, it was #1 of 6... #2 of 6, now it's #6 of 7? Did Marvel forget how to count? Just silly... Aside from Marvel being a bunch of idiots, the series is great... typical Gaiman. I just wish I knew a little more of the back story or the history to really appreciate how he puts it into the Marvel-verse.

Shazam Thing

Shazam Thing
Originally uploaded by Lady, That's My Skull.
God, I found this funny!

Thursday, February 8, 2007


I've picked up Neil Gaiman's run on the Eternals and I'm loving it. The artwork is superb, the story is engaging and poetic. It's typical Gaiman. I also picked up Jeff Smith's Captain Marvel... Now I like Bone a lot. I'm thinking I need to get my copy of Bone back from my brother-in-law so I can read it again. But his Captain Marvel is very Bonesque... seems like a very simple store on the surface, but lots of "Oh, wow" moments. I'm glad I picked it up...

Now I need to pick up the Essential Captain Marvel in trade... saw it on the shelf at the comic shop I went to. In my mind, I'm corrupted by Alan Moore's run on Miracleman and Tom Strong. I know Jeff is sticking to the spirit of the old Capt'n, but some of story elements and ideas in Alan's Miracleman is burned into my skull... And Neil Gaiman did a few Miracleman stories after Alan left... very good stories, considering it was an hard act to follow.