Monday, March 10, 2008

MegaCon '08

MegaCon 2008
Originally uploaded by thumat2002
So, went to MegaCon 2008 with a few GFLUG friends... And all I can say is that I feel old. I've read fantasy and sci-fi books, comic books, and manga magazines. I've followed sci-fi, brit-coms and anime shows. I've play video games and D&D. I've written computer program. I'm not into doing costumes or LARPing. Overall, I feel like I have a good grasp on nerd-culture. But what is with all the otaku kids? And I'm talking otaku in the creepy, basement dwelling, furry, cuteness, obsessed sense of the term, not just Japanese culture nerdom.

It was an interesting slice into 20-something culture. I was just coming to grips with vampires and goth-culture, but I feel like there's been a major shift in nerdom that I wasn't aware of -- I think out-right BDSM cosplay was the most 'shocking'... and along those lines, 'free hugs' and 'you can spank my pet' signs people wore around.

Anyway. Fun was had by all. I picked up a few issues of Love and Capes. It's given me some ideas for a LEGO display we'll have there next year, so look for us. And please don't call me 'ojiichan'.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Today's Fortune

"Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come from miles to watch you burn."