Tuesday, February 13, 2001

21st Century?

What did I imagine the 21st century to be like? Did I believe in the dreams of flying cars, rocket back packs, & mechanical maids? All of life's troubles being completed in a push of a plastic button? I don't think I ever did.

I wasn't raised on a diet of Flash Gordon ray guns, on quirky expressions from Dr. Zachary Smith, on moon landing missions, or on space men traveling to Earth only to steal our women. From bad acting, bad props, simple stories, to dated technology -- it all have always turned me off of the sci-fi mind set. No one could capture the future as I saw it.

I wasn't easily fooled by the juxtaposition of the words 'space' and 'cowboy' -- something that appealed to all boys, both young and old. I didn't believe in technology that was built out of spare parts, had flashing lights with random bleeps and blips. And I just couldn't bring myself to believe that everyone talked so melodramatic in the future... or maybe they will... but did they have to take everything so seriously?

... more later ...

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